Chickens of Kauai
Feral chickens roam the island
Into the monkeypod trees
Highway through the trees
Lighthouse window
100-year old lighthouse at Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Feral pig
Wild pig in the lush undergrowth
Lighthouse lens
100-year old lighthouse at Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Coffee in the raw
Beans before roasting at Kauai Coffee Koloa Estate
Missing monk
Protected Hawaiian monk seal resting area on Ke’e beach
Dangerous dive
Two yahoos contemplating diving from Wailua Falls
Red-footed boobie
Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Napping and nesting
Wedge-tailed shearwater on its nest at Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge
Sugar cane
A little sugar with the coffee at Kauai Coffee Koloa Estate
Spouting Horn and rainbow
Coffee harvester
Modified blueberry harvester used to pick coffee cherries at Kauai Coffee Koloa Estate
Coco Palms hotel
Ruins of hurricane-ravaged Coco Palms hotel made famous by Elvis Presley
Surfing the coconut coast
Playing in paradise
North shore
On the point
Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge